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Date : 2006-11-14

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Zoroastrianism Wikipedia ~ Zoroastrianism or Mazdayasna is one of the worlds oldest continuously practiced religions It is a multitendency faith centered on a dualistic cosmology of good and evil and an eschatology predicting the ultimate conquest of evil with theological elements of henotheism monotheism monism and polytheism

Zoroastrianism Definition Beliefs Founder Facts ~ Zoroastrianism the ancient pre Islamic religion of Iran that survives there in isolated areas and more prosperously in India where the descendants of Zoroastrian Iranian Persian immigrants are known as Parsis or Parsees Modern Zoroastrian priest wearing mouth cover while tending a temple fire

BBC Religion Zoroastrianism ~ Zoroastrianism is one of the worlds oldest monotheistic religions It was founded by the Prophet Zoroaster in ancient Iran approximately 3500 years ago

Zoroastrianism Definition of Zoroastrianism at ~ noun an Iranian religion founded c600 by Zoroaster the principal beliefs of which are in the existence of a supreme deity Ahura Mazda and in a cosmic struggle between a spirit of good Spenta Mainyu and a spirit of evil Angra Mainyu

Zoroastrianism Definition of Zoroastrianism by Merriam ~ Zoroastrianism definition is a Persian religion founded in the sixth century by the prophet Zoroaster promulgated in the Avesta and characterized by worship of a supreme god Ahura Mazda who requires good deeds for help in his cosmic struggle against the evil spirit Ahriman

Zoroastrianism for Beginners ~ Zoroastrianism is arguably the world’s oldest monotheistic religion It centers on the words of the prophet Zarathushtra called Zoroaster by the ancient Greeks and focuses worship upon Ahura Mazda the Lord of Wisdom

Zoroastrianism New World Encyclopedia ~ Zoroastrianism or Mazdaism refers to the religion developed from the teachings of the Persian prophet Zarathushtra c tenth century who is commonly known in the West as Zoroaster

Zoroastrianism ReligionFacts ~ Zoroastrianism is the ancient preIslamic religion of Persia modernday Iran It survives there in isolated areas but primarily exists in India where the descendants of Zoroastrian Persian immigrants are known as Parsis or Parsees In India the religion is called Parsiism

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