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Date : 2004-11-29
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Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third ~ Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third Edition Chapman HallCRC Texts in Statistical Science Mark Woodward on FREE shipping on qualifying offers Highly praised for its broad practical coverage the second edition of this popular text incorporated the major statistical models and issues relevant to
Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third ~ Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third Edition continues to focus on the quantitative aspects of epidemiological research Updated and expanded this edition shows students how statistical principles and techniques can help solve epidemiological problems New to the Third Edition New chapter on risk scores and clinical decision rules
Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third Edition ~ Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third Edition CRC Press Book Highly praised for its broad practical coverage the second edition of this popular text incorporated the major statistical models and issues relevant to epidemiological studies
Epidemiology study design and data analysis Woodward ~ Epidemiology study design and data analysis Woodward Mark Year 2014 Edition 3rd edition Publisher Chapman HallCRC Language english Pages 844 ISBN 10 1482244330 ISBN 13 9781482244335 Series Chapman HallCRC texts in statistical science series File PDF 1068 MB Preview
Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third ~ Highly praised for its broad practical coverage the second edition of this popular text incorporated the major statistical models and issues relevant to epidemiological studies Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third Edition continues to focus on the quantitative aspects of epidemiological research
Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third ~ Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third Edition Chapman HallCRC Texts in Statistical Science by Mark Woodward Highly praised for its broad practical coverage the second edition of this popular text incorporated the major statistical models and issues relevant to epidemiological studies
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Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third ~ Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis Third Edition continues to focus on the quantitative aspects of epidemiological research Updated and expanded this edition shows students how statistical principles and techniques can help solve epidemiological problems New to the Third Edition New chapter on risk scores and clinical decision rules
Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis ~ The data sets are also available on an associated web site Epidemiology Study Design and Data Analysis will be an invaluable textbook for statistics and medical students studying epidemiology and a standard reference for practicing epidemiologists
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